الجمعة، 29 يوليو 2016

school student

Many students like to have a perfect student school title; because of their moral hand to help students love school and are motivated in their studies, and develop fair competition between them.

We hear a lot about the ideal student of the term, there is a school award is given annually ideal for students in many schools, what is the standard upon which to choose the perfect school student?

Who is responsible for his choice? Do chosen by the teacher, or the school administration, or the selection of the students themselves, or psychologist, or social worker, um ... etc?

The basis upon which to choose the perfect student? As this choice may affect the ideal student level; where it might be an incentive for him to continue to excel, and may be a negative factor for the rest of the students who did not get the same surname, so it is incumbent on who the choice should take into account the criteria for selection, so as not to the choice is random, but rather be based on sound science,

Love helps the school to excel and succeed

It is not easy for a child to engage and adapt to the school environment in the first year of joining, despite his desire to do so when you see the children climb into buses and carrying bags.
He often wants to go to school, not for nothing, but it will carry a new bag containing stories and beautiful stationery with bright colors, or because it will wear new clothes, and he will play, without realizing that joining the school mean restrictions will be imposed on the times of the game, which was allowed in the house, and not specific hours, that is to play in the classroom hours and to study other hours, the school is now perseverance to the lesson, attention and remember and functions for the next day, and even hours of playing at home has become a specific, Part of breathing will be the lesson and here begins the problem, as the decline starts in his love and his desire to school. In the first year of joining the school, the child will face two things will be deprived of them, the first thing hours of play that was obtained previously, the second is his sense Balanslakh from his mother, Abrhnh weeping and screaming may force them to accompany him to school and stay with him in the classroom, to be able to create friendships due to his lack dictate his spare her for half a day every day, and make it more adaptable and receptive to the idea of ​​the school.
Perhaps what drives a child to hate school multiplier effort that Sabzlh in achievement and learning, what exhausts his memory by the running talents of mind. Faced with this shift that occurs on his life from his move from the world of play and irresponsibility to the world seriously, study and fatigue, we have to clarify the idea of ​​the school in front of him, as something important and it is determined fate and the future, and that the more informed whenever occupied a prominent place in society, and that the school will not prevent him the practice of the game he loves, but for everything premature.
In order to facilitate involvement in a school atmosphere before enrolling them, you need to be provided in the home, if the principles of play on the memory operation involving simple calculations learned multiplication and addition, subtraction, accompanied by hours of writing and reading.
The second step out of the context of interest in the child and directed toward the study and learning at the school, to enroll the child in the nursery, they are a good tool par excellence stimulate the child and help him to adapt and urbanization to attend school, as an extension of her, and perhaps what the child pays to love school, his sense of the emotional side within them, regardless of what they offer this incubation of games and science as a means to help him cope and accept the idea of ​​school later.
* Educators experts confirms that good reading sound analysis based on excellence Darsi, which means that tame Queen pronunciation necessary when the child, so that he can pronounce words correctly exits.
For more than a desire to attend school after preparing the child psychologically and intellectually in the nursery, we have to create an atmosphere of partnership between parent and child is based on the principle of cooperation, the child feel the presence of his mother at his side, and his participation in resolving the dilemmas they may face in daily school functions, and make part of the dedicated time to educate and reading, based on the books fit with Kdarth absorptive capacity, and guidance in school functions and not be solved completely, it will pay to run his memory and self-reliance, and go out with him in the Tour after the completion of jobs, it would restore the intellectual balance and active memory .
There is no doubt that the problem of default and hate to go to school back for psychological reasons, the necessary consult a specialist in sociology and psychology. It may be rejected by the school and its inability to absorb the lessons resulting from the confusion that gets to display because of the different style of teaching between what explain to him in the classroom and what is explain to him in the house, what forces the mother see the parameter style and his mastery even applied strictly in the home, it would give him the climate academic school, and do not force him to accomplish what no energy in his application, and help him to relax for some time, then assisted on the physical and mental relaxation, both of which are necessary to restore the ability to achievement and academic achievement.

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